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Sep 30, 2013

Come Little Children - Hocus Pocus

In the fall some people start thinking of celebrating the traditions of Hallowe'en or "All Hollows Eve". 

There are a few movies that come to mind. Hocus Pocus is one of them. 

Here is a video to celebrate the season. 

Fantasies Ghost "The song 'Come Little Children' from Hocus Pocus was created using the first verse of the Poem 'Come Little Children' by Edgar Allen Poe."

Come little children,
I'll take thee away,
into a land of Enchantment.

Come little children,
The time's come to play,
Here in my garden of Shadows.

Song/Poem: Come Little Children
Poet: Edgar Allen Poe
Cover Artist: Kate Covington (katethegreat19)